FishersLog™ is a professionally engineered fishing log program designed to make it very easy to maintain a detailed fishing log. Logging a trip is simple and straightforward. As you make entries, the program keeps track of your fishing locations, techniques, and species of fish caught so that these can be selected by dropdown menus in subsequent entries. Day of week, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and moon phase are calculated automatically. Pictures can be associated with each trip. Log reports can be printed, saved to a file, or exported to HTML and viewed in a web browser.
FishersLog would be a very valuable fishing log program if it stopped there, but in some ways, that's where it begins. Analysis tools let you look at your past fishing experiences in ways not possible with more simplistic ways of storing trip data. Which of your locations produce best on a North wind? A button push will answer that question with a bar graph. What moon phase produces the biggest fish of a selected species? That's another button push. There are too many ways to crunch the data to list here. What's important is that the analysis capabilities are easy to use and insightful. They're also downright fun.
New!! - Access Your Log from Multiple Computers! Read how.
The screenshots used to describe FishersLog were generated from the fishing log of John Skinner, the program's creator. John Skinner is the author of the highly-acclaimed books, A Season on the Edge and Fishing the Bucktail.
Main Window Fishing Log main window in more detail.

It's Priced Reasonably!
At $19.95, FishersLog is as affordable as it is easy to use. The fishing log program download is free and licensed for a 7-day trial period, so you have nothing to lose if you try it and decide not to buy.